Police Body Cam: Half Naked Woman Runs Out On Plastic Surgery Bill


It's like "dining and dashing" but in this case the person is nearly naked and trying to get implants.... 

According to the video: "Police said the suspect was fleeing a doctor’s office where she and a friend had gone to get a consultation about plastic surgery. Police said an employee at the office had called them about the suspect because she was trying to use a suspicious credit card and had cheated the business in the past.

In the dramatic and stunning body cam video, you hear both officers yelling, "Stop the car! Stop the car! Stop the car! Get out of the car! Get out of the car!" The video also shows a bullet hole in the woman’s car from a previous incident.

She is also seen putting her hands up as if to surrender, but then she drives away and bumps the officers. The officers are not injured, but police said they were fortunate, adding the officers showed a great deal of restraint in not firing their weapon"